
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Library Book

So, I was allowed to go on a date with my Sir, and it was so much fun!

To start off the night, we went out to eat. We picked a restaurant close to home and talked about how he would introduce me if we bumped into someone that he knows while out while we were driving over. I was going to be introduced as his secretary, which is a not-so-secret turn on for me, lol...

As we approached the restaurant, he noticed the vehicle of a mutual friend and I saw them sitting on the patio. We quickly walked back to the car without them noticing us... Heart thumping in my throat... That was a close call...

We may be okay with our relationship and so are our spouses, but our non-kinky friends just wouldn't understand... And now we know better as far as eating close to home... Could you imagine what would have happened if they had walked in after we had checked it out for people we knew and then started canoodling when there were none, lol?!

We drove further away and found a restaurant and talked with the waiter as I ate and held his hand. We absolutely love playing with and messing with people. As the waiter looked at him in awe because he had a beautiful girl next to him on a date that belonged to his best friend and a beautiful wife that was cool with it and participated, i could see him swell with joy in this accomplishment... It made me proud to hold his hand.

We went to his place after and played, which is always fun! He hog tied me and then dragged me to the edge of his bed so I could give him a blow job at the same time. We played with knives, which pushes me into sub space so quickly. Oh goodness, how I wanted to take everything he wanted to give. He also tied me up into one of the prettiest designs so far! Then, we snuggled and did aftercare.

Something about him is weirdly familiar to and for me... Like we are intricately connected on an alternate level or different existence of consciousness... Maybe we were lovers in a different time or maybe we will be on the next go around... My heart is full of love for him and I miss him every minute he is not with me...

But the night had to end and as it was ending, he told me he wanted to keep me there. I reminded him he couldn't and he said he knew... Having me is like checking out a book from the library, he said... He can check me out and borrow me, but I am always having to be given back... But the good news is that I can always be checked out again... I kinda like this analogy, because that is how I feel... Like a great library book... I always loved and read library books like they were mine... But at the end of the day, they needed to be returned to the correct place...

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