
Friday, November 1, 2024


We were able to see each other again yesterday for a little while before the rest of the group came over for a hangout, which has changed to watching a movie and eating dinner since paddleboard season is over. I was so nervous when they got to my house, with their yellow shadowed eyes... I quickly gave them a hug and their arm lingered on mine, fluttering the butterflies... then I showed them around the yard to see all of the changes that we have made... Our backyard homesteading project has been a project, if you know what I mean...

When we came inside, we sat and chatted, as close to each other as the butterflies would allow... friends came over and we got loud with laughter as we caught up on what had happened in each others lives over the last week... while getting dinner, I turned around quickly and caught their eyes, growling lightly in their direction. Throughout the movie, we got closer until all I could think about was their hand on my leg, wiggling their fingers... touching me... which was our plan... to get used to touching each other. 

You see, I am not really cuddly with my friends, so that is something new for us. Touch is not one of my love languages, but I see now that touch is an important part of a sexual/romantic relationship to me. Each touch, from resting my legs on their lap to touching their arm with my fingers in the same rhythm they were tapping my leg to get more touches... warmed my body and made my nipples tingle. 

They had to leave early, so I whined noooo before getting up and walking them out to their car. We hugged and nuzzled and they reached for my butt while asking again if they could touch. I said yes and leaned in to grab my own handful of their sexy soft butt...nuzzling in again with a little growl... definitely looking forward to next time.

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