Monday, February 20, 2017

House slave

A lot has changed for me in the 6 months I took off from writing... Sweetheart is very much a fixture in my life now. We have learned to get along and primarily focus on what we can do to make Daddy happy. I have also learned how to be happy in this arrangement, which is great!!

I quit my job and am following a passion of mine too, so I have been working at home and trying to learn what it is like to be a stay at home wife and slave. It is a whole new thing!!! I am learning more about cleaning and have been cooking up a storm. I am noticing that I struggle with time management and motivation to get things done around the house... But only because I get stuck on what to get started with and I don't really have a lot of direction outside of self direction...

Daddy is working a lot now too, so I get more time with the kiddos, which makes me so happy! I get to send naughty pics to Daddy and Sweetheart while they work, which is a lot of fun!

Next step is to figure out where to start, what to do, and how to get on top of the housework more... I have always wanted to be a stay at home slave that serves a Master and Mistress... This is definitely a step in the right direction.

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