Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Switch

Sometimes, i struggle a lot with TTWD. Lately, i have been struggling a ton more than normal. i try not to complain, but one of the hardest aspects of our world is that i work and He stays at home. i work all day long, then have to switch from a know-it-all, type A personality, back into my submissive, laid back personality.

i have needed to develop the strong personality because of the work i do, but if i didn't have to pull that mask on, i would feel tons better. When i come home and He has done very little around the house, it drives me bananas... especially when i step up and make dinner, get the kids situated, do dishes, etc...

It makes me feel like a doormat... maybe i ama doormat, but my brain hasn't figured it out yet...

Do doormats have brains?


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