Friday, July 22, 2016


To be a fly on the wall watching a couple in love... newly in love... twitterpated... I am overjoyed to see these interactions... now that I have released myself from the past by giving Daddy my control, I am no longer annoyed or angered or hurt by their actions with each other. I see these interactions for what they are: two amazing people connecting and learning and engaging and discovering, instead of them trying to hurt me.

So, on Wednesday night, Sweetheart sat in her chair before Daddy came outside. When he got outside, he noticed that his water was missing. He said where are my waters and she hopped up to get them.

Side note: I am liking that my chores are more oriented around caring for our home/family and hers are more focused on taking care of him (we all have a chore chart now!!!)... I have already been doing that for a while and love having the break... (love you Daddy!)

He sits in her seat, with the biggest grin on his face and says watch this... she turns around and sees him in the chair and her face looks so angry. He starts asking her what's wrong in a very teasing voice and she says, my chair! And sits in the other chair when he doesn't get up... and pouts... grumbly looking...

Then Daddy says something about her not forgetting about his waters if she wants to pick her seat. She glares. He asks if she wants her seat now. She says she doesn't... he asks her to stand up and come to him... I grin... she does... he grabs her and throws her over his lap and gives her 2 sound spankings right on the carport.

And her face... pink... flushed... grinning...

And his face... pink... flushed... grinning...

And my face... smiling... watchful... hopeful...

Oh, new love... how beautiful you are...

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