Sunday, December 16, 2018


The only thing in life that is constant is change... who would have thought that I would be stepping into 2019 as the mother of daughter... and a teenage daughter at that... but I’m excited and proud and nervous and want to make sure I do it right...

With my home being clear of negative energy (most of which was mine... not gonna lie... I can be a psychotic hateful bitch when I need to be), life has felt and been a bit different... I am no longer waking up with anxiety and panic attacks... I am waking up with a lil depression over the loss of my boy... but even that is quickly swept away by the plans of what we are building together for our family. I feel like my relationship is stronger than ever and my Master/Owner/Daddy/Fuckboy is all mine... I love sharing him with others who love him, but sometimes it’s also nice to be able to remind him of how much I love him and to get his undivided attention.

I am not sure how things will continue to change, but all I know is that I am ready and in a state of hyper vigilance... I am open to new women and new situations and circumstances... nothing too serious though... just fun and games... especially after the last couple of years... I need a break and I am oh so tired of drama.

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