Thursday, October 8, 2015

Papa Bear and Little Squirrel

My Papa Bear has really been enjoying texting and talking to our new friend, little Squirrel, who surprisingly enough, came to me outside of the fet community. She is a friend of mine from one of my other circles and something she had posted on Facebook peaked my interest.

As you all know, my life the last month or so has been difficult on several levels. Some of the recent things will take years to feel normal while others are par for the course. It has been a long time since I dated anyone before all of these poly relationships developed.

In hindsight, I moved too fast for a new person in my life to really get comfortable... I was not prepared for what it truly meant to be a slave of my Papa Bear in my secondary relationships... I would not change who I am in all of this and I learned very valuable lessons from those experiences...

Now, Papa Bear and little squirrel are dating and I couldn't be happier. Hopefully, he paid attention to the lessons I learned so he doesn't get his heart broken as well. We had a fun "getting to know you" session as we reviewed my slave contract with Papa Bear and discussed parts that she had questions on. They will not be setting up a contract just yet, but they will be dating, kinda like normal vanilla dating with his wife hanging out from time to time... Lol...

Is it odd that I am totally excited by the fact that my Papa Bear is dating? Not if you know me ;)