Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holding hands

How could such a small thing like holding hands get me so excited? i am used to holding hands and a heck of a lot more with Papa Bear, but holding her hand really affected me... The entire time, i could not get out of my head. Was i holding her hand too tight? Probably, since i am used to holding a huge bear paw... Is it weird if i lightly rub her hand with my thumb? Am i doing this right?

Our fingers interlocking looked like a candy cane... Her red glittery nails and my white glittery ones... And then, crap! Spilled water all over the floor cuz i kicked my cup over when i wasn't paying attention to my legs, which were being fidgety because i was nervous...

After cleaning that up, went back to holding hands in a different position, so yep... i was probably crushing her fingers, poor thing... Her hands are soft and delicate.

i got lost in holding her hands... What is it going to be like when and if we move forward from there... Will i lose myself in her lips, in her eyes, while snuggled in her arms... Sigh...


  1. Aw, this is so cute. It's amazing how you forget those first-date butterflies. I think back to Sir and my first date - holding his hand was a HUGE deal.
